The original site for PrEP consumers, frontline providers and clinicians


PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication that helps you stay HIV-negative. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective. PrEP is safe and generally well tolerated. Most health plans (public and private) cover PrEP.

PrEP works for women, men, people of transgender experience, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, youth, and people who inject drugs.

You can use PrEP alone or together with other prevention tools like condoms, PEP, and U=U to have the sex you want and reduce your chances of getting HIV!

PrEP may be an option for you if:

  • You wonder how HIV impacts your life
  • Condoms are not used with partners of unknown HIV status
  • You or your partner(s) recently had gonorrhea or syphilis
  • You want to have sex without condoms with a partner who has HIV
  • You have sex for money, food, housing, and/or drugs
  • You share needles for injecting drugs

Related Resources

Transgender Women and Sexual Health Video

This video depicts a day in the life of a woman going out on a date with her new beau and spending the night together for the first time. Returning home late the next morning, she is met by an inquisitive housemate whose questions about her experience appear rooted in equal parts concern and excitement.

Prevention for Women

This page from contains resources relevant to HIV prevention for U.S. women. The resources have been selected by HIVE in collaboration with many HIV prevention advocates nationwide.

Previniendo el VIH Durante el Embarazo / Lactancia

Esta guía de detalla información importante para mujeres embarazadas y lactantes.

Preventing HIV During Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

Studies show the changes that take place in a pregnant woman’s body may make it more likely to get HIV from a partner. This makes preventing HIV during pregnancy especially important for you and your baby.