The original site for PrEP consumers, frontline providers and clinicians


Condoms: Common Questions and Misconceptions

This article from Clue — a period tracking app — helps you make the best decisions about sex, protection, and pregnancy.

Female Condoms and Anal Sex

This presentation by Nikole Gettings, MSN, provides helpful information on the use of female condoms.

Female Condoms: Effectiveness and Benefits

This page from WebMD describes the effectiveness and benefits of female condoms.

Is PrEP Right For Me? A Guide for CIS Women

This guide from provides useful information on PrEP and resources for CIS women.

Mujeres, PrEP y salud sexual

Este video de Project Inform proporciona información en español sobre PrEP y salud sexual para mujeres.

Planned Parenthood: Internal Condoms

Planned Parenthood offers both basic and comprehensive information about internal condoms and their use.

Prevención del VIH y el Embarazo

Esta guía de proporciona información sobre el VIH y la prevención del embarazo.

Preventing HIV During Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

Studies show the changes that take place in a pregnant woman’s body may make it more likely to get HIV from a partner. This makes preventing HIV during pregnancy especially important for you and your baby.

Preventing Pregnancy & HIV: A Guide for Women

Whether you don’t want to have a child or are not ready yet, this guide from can help you make informed decisions around preventing pregnancy as well as HIV.

Prevention for Women

This page from contains resources relevant to HIV prevention for U.S. women. The resources have been selected by HIVE in collaboration with many HIV prevention advocates nationwide.

Previniendo el VIH Durante el Embarazo / Lactancia

Esta guía de detalla información importante para mujeres embarazadas y lactantes.

The #HIVLoveWins video series

HIVE (the San Francisco-based hub of positive sexual and reproductive health) and the AIDS Foundation Chicago's (AFC) Midwest HIV Prevention and Pregnancy Planning Initiative (MHPPPI) co-created a video series about HIV-affected individuals and couples and reproductive health intentions – real life vignettes of #HIVLoveWins stories.

Transgender Women and Sexual Health Video

This video depicts a day in the life of a woman going out on a date with her new beau and spending the night together for the first time. Returning home late the next morning, she is met by an inquisitive housemate whose questions about her experience appear rooted in equal parts concern and excitement.

Women Living with HIV

This page from includes informational brochures and other information for women living with HIV.

Women, PrEP & Sexual Health Video

This video from Project Inform outlines the nuts and bolts of how women who use PrEP can protect themselves from HIV infection.