Type: Info Sheet
Apretude Insurance Flowsheet
Insurance flowsheet compiled by East Bay Getting to Zero on covering costs of cabotegravir for PrEP through insurance in the San Francisco Bay Area. This flowsheet resource may serve as a model for other regions.
ICD-10-PCS Codes (Inpatient and Hospital Billing Codes)
A list of all ICD-10-PCS codes used in inpatient and hospital settings in the U.S.
ICD-10-CM Codes (Outpatient and Clinical Billing Codes)
A list of all ICD-10-CM codes used in clinical and outpatient settings in the U.S.
Ensuring Compliance with New Federal USPSTF PrEP Guidance
A Quick Take topic brief on the federal PrEP guidance.
State Level Department of Insurance Guide
Links to state-by-state Dept. of Insurance consumer complaint websites.
Covering Costs of PrEP Job Aid
Tips and Resources for Covering Costs of HIV PrEP from HealthHIV.
Know Your Rights Handout
A guide for what patients need to know about new Federal Guidelines on Coverage of PrEP with No Cost-Sharing
Is PrEP Right For Me? A Guide for CIS Women
This guide from HIVEonline.org provides useful information on PrEP and resources for CIS women.
Previniendo el VIH Durante el Embarazo / Lactancia
Esta guía de HIVEonline.org detalla información importante para mujeres embarazadas y lactantes.
Prevención del VIH y el Embarazo
Esta guía de HIVEonline.org proporciona información sobre el VIH y la prevención del embarazo.