The original site for PrEP consumers, frontline providers and clinicians


Subject: Living with HIV

Using PrEP in relationships with HIV-positive men

Alejandro has been with his partner for several years. They're a mixed status couple ... one HIV-negative, the other positive. In this video, Alejandro describes some of the things he and his partner thought about when they were deciding whether or not to use PrEP.

The #HIVLoveWins video series

HIVE (the San Francisco-based hub of positive sexual and reproductive health) and the AIDS Foundation Chicago's (AFC) Midwest HIV Prevention and Pregnancy Planning Initiative (MHPPPI) co-created a video series about HIV-affected individuals and couples and reproductive health intentions – real life vignettes of #HIVLoveWins stories.

Men Living with HIV

This page from the University of San Francisco provides information to empower you to make informed decisions about sex, relationships, and family planning.