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Subject: Condoms

Planned Parenthood: Internal Condoms

Planned Parenthood offers both basic and comprehensive information about internal condoms and their use.

Female Condoms: Effectiveness and Benefits

This page from WebMD describes the effectiveness and benefits of female condoms.

TeensHealth: Condoms

TeensHealth provides information for youth on condoms and their usage.

Female Condoms and Anal Sex

This presentation by Nikole Gettings, MSN, provides helpful information on the use of female condoms.

CDC: Male (External) Condom Use

This page from the CDC includes fact sheets on condom use in multiple languages.

Condoms: Common Questions and Misconceptions

This article from Clue — a period tracking app — helps you make the best decisions about sex, protection, and pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood: Condoms

Planned Parenthood offers both basic and comprehensive information about condoms and their use.