The original site for PrEP consumers, frontline providers and clinicians


Program: Please PrEP Me

Apretude Insurance Flowsheet

Insurance flowsheet compiled by East Bay Getting to Zero on covering costs of cabotegravir for PrEP through insurance in the San Francisco Bay Area. This flowsheet resource may serve as a model for other regions.

Optimizing PrEP Adherence: A Toolkit for PrEP Programs in the United States

This toolkit from getSFcba provides a summary of clinical evidence on PrEP adherence and persistence, evidence-based strategies for supporting PrEP adherence and persistence, and adherence resources that programs can utilize and adapt.

ICD-10-PCS Codes (Inpatient and Hospital Billing Codes)

A list of all ICD-10-PCS codes used in inpatient and hospital settings in the U.S.

ICD-10-CM Codes (Outpatient and Clinical Billing Codes)

A list of all ICD-10-CM codes used in clinical and outpatient settings in the U.S.

Medical Coding Clinic, Clearinghouse, and Inquiries

A tool from Coding Clinic Advisor through which specific coding questions may be submitted.

ICD-10 Code Lookup Tool

A quick lookup tool from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid for finding billing codes pertinent to PrEP coverage.

Billing Coding Guide for HIV Prevention: PrEP, Screening, and Linkage Services

A resource guide from NASTAD to assist in navigating billing and reimbursement for HIV prevention services.

Ensuring Compliance with New Federal USPSTF PrEP Guidance

A Quick Take topic brief on the federal PrEP guidance.

State Level Department of Insurance Guide

Links to state-by-state Dept. of Insurance consumer complaint websites.

Covering Costs of PrEP Job Aid

Tips and Resources for Covering Costs of HIV PrEP from HealthHIV.