About PleasePrEPMe
PleasePrEPMe launched in 2015 as the first searchable and location-responsive provider directory for PrEP and PEP services in English and Spanish for the state of California.
Collaborations and partnerships have been at the heart of PleasePrEPMe’s thriving. Through these partnerships, the PleasePrEPMe team leveraged technology in unique ways around PrEP access to create connections between PrEP seekers and PrEP services. We helped develop a national PrEP directory, launched the first national PrEP navigation manual and first online navigation training for frontline providers, created sex-positive HIV prevention resources, operated live bilingual chat navigation services, and worked to expand access to PrEP and PEP.
The California-based program, including its online chat services, closed in 2020. In January 2021, HealthHIV welcomed the PleasePrEPMe program into its growing portfolio of PrEP resources for individuals and the PrEP workforce.
HealthHIV carries PleasePrEPMe’s vision of a world with equal rights and health care access for all, free of violence, and where all people lead enjoyable, consensual sex lives. We believe in sexual empowerment and reproductive rights. Our mission is to support unfettered access to PrEP and PEP.